Wednesday, November 26, 2008

floor plan is ready to roll now it's web time, I will be working on the web-site.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ivans stuff

Ive edited our logo as a rough mock up of what the front of the business will look like.
I redesigned the logo a bit and added the other logos to t-shirt templates.
Also, I finished the tankard. and created a wallpaper for the website

Monday, November 24, 2008

Commercial Ideas

Here's just what I was thinking, I'll think of some more ideas before we get to class. Also if you guys have any ideas let me know.

I was thinking for our video, there is all kinds of ways, that we can do it. I think in front of the green screen would be our best bet. I am looking forward to see the script, so I can decide what would be the best stuff to put behind the subject.

I think it would be cool if we could incorporate the 3d model of the beer hall. I don't how detailed its going to be, but it would be pretty cool if we can have the subject walking through the 3d beer hall. So the audience can really get the feel of the place. But if not we can do some other cool stuff like floorplans and the 3d model flying in behind the subject. And he can point at different stuff he is talking about.

We should also try to get multiple actors for our commercial. Because our beer hall is more of a friendly enviornment, that you go with your friends. We can show people, drinking and having a good time. I'm not sure how we can do this, maybe shoot at another location.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Remember for PINTO!!!

To do the two page paper on the project management of the dinner scene on the woman with a pearl earring. 5 footnotes

what Aaron's doin

working on floor plans, photo's of location, digital manipulation, putting up web site.

Graphics designed

Graphics and logos are created.
New concepts realized.
Color scheme coornated.

Location found

We now have the location of Odin's, it will be where the old rainbow bar was accross from the hardrock.