Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Storyboard Video

Class Evaulation - Nevin Wylie

Overall, I think this is a very important class to take at this school. This class seemed like I was in a real work environment every week. We even got fired off of projects in the middle of class. That’s something that you don’t see every day. I think that it’s one of the few classes at this school, that really prepares you, what it’s like in the business world. And especially in our work field where a customer will come to us and ask us to put together a project. You learn everything you need in this class. Honestly I didn’t want to take this class because I hate presenting in front of people. And I waited to the last minute to take it. But now that I am done with it, I am glad that I did take it. I thought I did a pretty good job in presenting ,way better than I thought I would. And the more experience that I get the better. So I am totally grateful for that. Though the class can be stressful some times, O.K maybe a lot of times, but I think overall I would rate this class as one of the best at this school.
For my grade I think I deserve an A. I think all of my assignments turned out pretty well. I thought my papers were written well and I think my PowerPoint was pretty good. I thought my group and I did a really good job during the midterm, so I got a good grade than. And lastly the final I thought we did a really good job. We had a good presentation and from your reaction I think you agree. I did a lot of hard work for my group and I think I deserve a pretty good grade. And lastly with attendance ive been hear every day. Due to the way the class was constructed it was really impossible to miss a day in this class. One week and you would be screwed, because your group members count on you every week.

Allen widner Class evaluation

My personal learning experience in this class was an overall good one. Starting with the first assignment, the PowerPoint music video, I knew that this was going to be a class that was going to require a lot of work. I might have actually dropped it had it not been for the fact that I knew I was required to take it, and I have to do it sometime. I completed what I feel was a good representation of me in that PowerPoint. The main thing I wanted to get across was my personal sense of humor. I feel that if you know a persons sense of humor, you can tell if you can really work with that person or not.

The first project (not the fake one) that we did in class was an interesting one. To make an attack add against two presidential canidates. Already I felt that this project was really going to work well with my personality. I love dry sarcastic humor, and that’s pretty much attack ads in my opinion. I loved coming up with the ideas for the attack ads, and I worked really hard completing one of them on my own. I specifically requested of my group to do the McCain attack ad on my own because I had a clear vision of what it was going to look like and I knew I could do it faster on my own then trying to go through several different people.

The only slider that caught me off guard during this project was the marketing paper that we had to do alongside it. I was so distracted with getting my video just right, that when midterm came, I completely forgot about the project. I later handed it in late however. The midterm was a success for the group and a success for me as well. I learned that contact was extremely important to keep things on the ball and I learned what it meant to be relied on.

The final project in this class would be my main lesson. Becoming a project manager was definitely an increase in work and responsibility from the midterm project. Not only did I have to make sure that my work got done, I had to make sure that three other people where getting their work done. Luckily, I had a really good team, and I believe that we all really worked well together. I had a specific version, and more or less I saw it come to life. I am extremely proud of the work we accomplished in the final project and I really felt how it was like to lead a team. There was one point in the Mac lab in the main building where we where having a meeting. I was going over what we had for the project and what I expected out of everyone in the coming days and how to do it. It was during this meeting that a random person that I didn’t know turned and said to us, “I wish I had someone like him in my groups”. That of course made me feel good, but it was also an indicator that we were really doing things right. I was also able to get the earring paper done in time along with this project.

In the end, I had two very successful team projects, and I handed it all of the assignments. With one assignment being handed in late, I truly believe that I deserve at least an A-. I worked hard in the class and I showed up for perfect attendance. That’s something ive never done with any other class. I enjoyed this, but im also glad it’s now over. Now on to life.

Class Evaluation -Ivan Cazares

For my evaluation of the class, I feel that it was a great learning experience. Coming into the class in the beginning, I already knew that it was going to be tough because I had Pinto in a previous occasion. The one thing I can say about class is that although the work it tough, and the lessons are often blunt and to the point, they are absolutely necessary. I think this class was by far one of the best I’ve taken. I really do feel this way because I came out learning so much. Not only did I learn how to work in a group setting with other creative individuals, but I learned more how projects in real life work.  This class was tremendous in helping me with being able to present myself in front of other people and showcase my talents. It also showed me that when you work with other people, communication is absolutely vital in making sure everything goes well.

Jobs all have deadlines and often have you work with other people you may or may not know or get along with. I think that by having this class and doing the projects that I did, that I learned how to implement myself further in those kinds of situations.

I feel that overall I deserve and A for the class, simply because I worked exceedingly hard on making sure I didn’t fail any of the teams I was on and made sure that my work not only fulfill the requirements of the group and the class, but also that when I presented my work to the class, that I could be comfortable in showing that it was my great work that was being displayed to the class.

Not only that, but I think that I deserve an A because of the quality of work I was producing.  Creating the overall look for a project and corporate Identity is one of the best things a graphic designer can have in a portfolio. The class taught me a lot about working with others, but it also taught me to do my best work, because in the real world, no one expects anything less from you. I think that given the situation, I displayed that.


feast your eyes on our commercial mortals!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

beer wench

Here is the beer wench. The costume appears traditional but with a modern twist.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Corporate Id


I Finished the Corporate Id.
The front page of the website is finished as well. I went ahead and sent that to Aaron. I also tried to spruce up the blog a bit.
I'm now working on costumes for the staff.
Hope you guys got info on money, rates, salary, cost of restoration
Did anyone talk to chef like pinto wanted?
Hope everything is going swimmingly with you guys. Keep me posted.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

floor plan is ready to roll now it's web time, I will be working on the web-site.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ivans stuff

Ive edited our logo as a rough mock up of what the front of the business will look like.
I redesigned the logo a bit and added the other logos to t-shirt templates.
Also, I finished the tankard. and created a wallpaper for the website

Monday, November 24, 2008

Commercial Ideas

Here's just what I was thinking, I'll think of some more ideas before we get to class. Also if you guys have any ideas let me know.

I was thinking for our video, there is all kinds of ways, that we can do it. I think in front of the green screen would be our best bet. I am looking forward to see the script, so I can decide what would be the best stuff to put behind the subject.

I think it would be cool if we could incorporate the 3d model of the beer hall. I don't how detailed its going to be, but it would be pretty cool if we can have the subject walking through the 3d beer hall. So the audience can really get the feel of the place. But if not we can do some other cool stuff like floorplans and the 3d model flying in behind the subject. And he can point at different stuff he is talking about.

We should also try to get multiple actors for our commercial. Because our beer hall is more of a friendly enviornment, that you go with your friends. We can show people, drinking and having a good time. I'm not sure how we can do this, maybe shoot at another location.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Remember for PINTO!!!

To do the two page paper on the project management of the dinner scene on the woman with a pearl earring. 5 footnotes

what Aaron's doin

working on floor plans, photo's of location, digital manipulation, putting up web site.

Graphics designed

Graphics and logos are created.
New concepts realized.
Color scheme coornated.

Location found

We now have the location of Odin's, it will be where the old rainbow bar was accross from the hardrock.